The Negros Oriental provincial government hopes to acquire a mobile hospital to bring health services to the people through medical missions.

Gov. Roel Degamo said that even before the start of the election period during which a ban was imposed on the use of government funds, Capitol had already set aside an allocation for the acquisition of the mobile hospital. He did not, however, mention its cost.

The mobile hospital is designed to allow simple surgery procedures during the medical missions in the barangay, he said.

This is part of the administration’s thrust of bringing health services to the people, and to improve the regular medical missions being carried out, that offers medical and dental consults, free medicines and other services, but no surgery, Degamo also said.

By next month, the provincial government will have finalized the schedules of various medical missions to be held in the sitios and barangays of Negros Oriental, Degamo added.*JFP