Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount
B-69-2019 06/06/2019 VERLYN’S ENTERPRISES 3 Lots Construction Materials

Project Name 1 Five (5) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Additional Appropriation for the Construction of Multi-Purpose Building Butong, Manjuyod, Neg. Or.
Responsibility Center: 1918-018(18)
Project Name 2 Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Rehab./Imp. of Manjuyod, Bantolinao, Provincial Road, Manjuyod, Neg. Or. Responsibility Center: 8918-050(18) SP Res.# 1076-AO 57 S.2017 (AIP 2018)
Project Name 3 Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Improvement of WWS, Barangay Nasunggan, La-Libertad, Neg. Or. Responsibility Center: 8918-205(15) SP Res.# 861-2014 (20% DF, AIP 2015)
Total ABC:P548,280.79



For Lot 1 & 2 only.


      Posted: July 3, 2019