Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount
B-76-2019 08/15/2019 VERLYN’S ENTERPRISES 3 Lots Construction Materials (B-76-2019)

Project Name 1

Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Concreting of Maglahos Provincial Road, Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental Responsibility Center: 8918-023-(18)-SP Res.#1076 AO 57 s.2017 (20% DF, CY 2018) P645,606.64

Project Name 2

Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Concreting of Farm-to-Market Road, Tagbino-Maglahos Barangay Road, Vallermoso, Negros Oriental Responsibility Center: 8918-032-(17) SP Res.#774-016 (20% DF, AIP-2017) P327,154.50

Project Name 3

Two (2) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Opening of Road Sp. Mabais to Barangay Proper Danawan, Bindoy Negros Oriental Responsibility Center: 1999-100-(16) SP Res. #557-2016 (GF-Proper AIP 2016) P2,547.50
Total ABC:P975,308.64




LCRB for Lot No. 1 & 2 only.


      Posted: August 30, 2019