NE-45-2022 PGO-PDRRMC 03/31/22 LAF FOOD Trading Eleven (11) Lots Welfare Goods Expenses for use in the Relief Operations of the Affected Population caused by Typhoon Odette in the Province of Negros Oriental (PDRRMC)        9,462,034.95
N-678-2021 11/26/21 M & E AGRIVET SUPPLY Hog grower pellet 50kgs and 4 others           161,119.00
N-764-2021 12/03/21 M & E AGRIVET SUPPLY Chicken layer mash 50kg and 3 others           324,577.00
D-H15-2022 GWBVMH 03/15/22 Tsaleach Trading 10 bxs T-Isotonac 3N Diluent & etc. for GWBVMH use, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental           310,760.00
N-376-2021 09/03/21 Mosler Philippines Inc. 1 unit Gun Safe Superloy Single Combination lock with Wheels for PGO-Peace and Order Council              99,500.00
S-H19-2022 Mabinay 03/11/22 CHERODYLL COMMERCIAL Dobutameine 50 mg/ml 5ml amp           155,159.00
S-H19-2022 Mabinay 03/11/22 RPB COMMERCIALS 5 Caloric agent D50W, 50ml/vial                2,499.50
N-H344-2021 12/15/21 Travis James Enterprises  350 length Deformed Steel Bar 12mmx6m & etc. for GWBVMH, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental           338,932.00
N-40-2022 PGO 04/12/22 Carol Enterprises  13 sets Desktop Computer for Office of the Governor           372,983.00
N-05-2022 4/8/2022 Precious Don Trading For use of various service vehicles assigned in the Provincial Engineer’s Office. 86,382.00
D-H14-2022 GWBVMH 03/15/22 RPB COMMERCIALS 1 kit Triglycerides & etc. for GWBVMH use, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental           229,490.10
S-H17-2022 Bindoy 03/25/22 Cherodyll Commercial for hospital use- 2 lots Medicines for Bindoy District Hospital           785,068.86
N-25-2022 PGO 03/10/22 Ms. Ann’s FoodTown Provision of one (1) Packed Lunch and one (1) AM Snacks good for 300 pax to be served during the continuing community engagement in ELCAC  Priority area in the Province to be held at dob-dob, Valencia, on March 21,2022              67,470.00
S-11-2022 LEGAL 04/12/22 Carol Enterprises 16 cans Airfreshener 280ml/150g min & etc. for Office of the Provincial Legal              149,343.00
N-587-2021 PSWDO 11/03/21 AFG OFFICE SUPPLIES TRADING Provision of Labor and Materials – Bags for Day Care Worker’s   217,000.00
D-H11-2022 CLLMMH 03/03/22 CLARENZON MARKETING 2 liters Minilyse 1L & etc. for CLLMMH use, Siaton, Negros Oriental   122,800.0
N-32-2022 PAO 04/12/22 J-SAM’S LINK TRADING 400 pcs Bamboo Culms (Guod) & etc. for Provincial Aquaculture Development Program   225,405.00
N-57-2022 PGSO 04/12/22 KENS TRADING 60 pails Calcium Hypochlorite 70% for Provincial General Services Office
S-124-2021 PEO 11/12/21 Mariz Hardware and Construction Supplies Const. Materials for Completion of the Construction of OB-GYNE ER with CR (GAD) Mabinay, Neg. Or.
N-684-2021 ENRD 11/19/21 J-Sam’s Link Trading 4,000 pcs BAKHAW ( RHIZOPHORA) & etc. for ENRD
N-58-2022 PGSO 4/12/22 Qual Pest Control Solutions To furnish Labor and Materials for the Total Pest Control of Capitol Building (PGSO)
N-39-2022 PGSO 3/30/22 4G AUTO Parts Lot 1- Vehicle Parts and Accessories for use n the Service Vehicle assigned in the Office of the Governor
LJIM TRADING Lot 2- Vehicle Parts and Accessories for use n the Service Vehicle assigned in the Office of the Governor
S-H6-2022 CLLMMH 3/3/22 Dewan Trading 200 tanks Oxygen medical standard refill 1800PSI/5660 liters for CLLMMS use, Siaton Neg. Or.
S-H8-2022 CLLMMH St. Michael Enterprises  10pcs Bulb, 12w(LED) 220v Daylight & etc. for CLLMMH use, Siaton Neg. Or.
NE-H411-2021 Coomunity Hosp. Office 12/15/21 Macrophil Pharma & Medical Supplies 100 tabs Acetylcyestien 200mg effervescent & etc. for PHO Community Hospital use
D-H10-2022 CLLMMH 3/322 J-Sam’s Link Trading Audicom reagents for CLLMMH use, Siaton, Neg. Or.
S-H4-2022 Mabinay Medicare Community Hospital 2/24/22 Tsaleach Trading 1,500 pcs KN 95 Face mask & etc. for mabinay Medicare Community Hospital 135,706.00
S-H288-2021 PHO 12/21/21 RPB Commercials 10 liters Aldehyde-Free, Non-alcohol based Disinfectant Concentrate & etc. for the use at CSR Section of NOPH 708,780.00
N-41-2022 PGO 3/29/22 Ms. Ann’s Foodtown  Provision of one (1) Packed Lunch and one (1) AM Snacks good for 500pax 114,950.00
S-H267-2021 PHO 12/7/21 Matiao Marketing Inc. 30 tanks LPG 50 kgs For the use at the Dietary Section of NOPh 119,700.00
N-H419-2021 12/10/21 ERT Industrial Trading Corp. Purchase of Diesel Fuel for the use at Transpot Section of NOPH           179,000.00
N-51-2022 Treasurer 04/07/22 Algorithm  3 lots-For use in the Office of the Provincial treasurer           214,500.00
S-H16-2022 CLLMMH 03/25/22 CHERODYLL COMMERCIAL 50 amp Aminophylline 250mg 10ml & etc. for CLLMMH use, Siaton Neg. Or.           198,561.60
S-H296-201 12/03/21 RPB Commercials 10 gals Alcohol, Isoprophyl 70%, gal & etc. for Canlaon District Hospital use, Canlaon Neg. Or.           519,339.30
S-H309-2021 12/10/21 RPB Commercials  8 kits Apheresis kits & etc. for the use at Laboratory Section of NOPH           731,976.70
NE-H414-2021 12/10/21 J-sam’s Link Trading 4 gals Activated Glutaraldehyde Solution & etc. for Pacuan Community Primary Hospital use        1,189,643.85
N-59-2022 PGO-Peace and Order Council 04/13/22 Ace Logic Computer Solutions Povision of Equipment and Logistical Support for the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)              57,255.00
S-99-2021 8/31/2021 Verlyn’s Enterprises Construction Materials for Reair & Maintenance –Infrastructure  Assets (Provincial Roads & Bridges) La Libertad-Pacuan, Provincial Road (PEO) 687,893.00
S-79-2021 8/11/2021 Verlyn’s Enterprises Repair & Maint.-Infra. Assets (Prov. Roads & Bridges) Paniabon-Guihob, Prov. Road, Neg. Or. 923,887.64