Provincial and Bayawan City government officials gathered last April 21 for the groundbreaking ceremony of the future site of the Comprehensive Emergency Maternal and Newborn Care (CEMONC) facility at the Bayawan District Hospital.
The provincial government has allotted nearly P12.5 million for construction of said facility.
The establishment of CEMONCs in district hospitals province wide is in line with the provincial government’s aim of reducing and eventually stamping out the maternal and neonatal mortality incidence in the province.
“The governor is serious about achieving the goals set out by the Millennium Development Goals, one of which is putting an end to maternal and child deaths by 2015,” explained Capitol Information Officer Adrian Sedillo.
CEMONC is seen to provide the best possible care for emergency obstetric and newborn cases in the district, as well as regular maternal services for pregnant women.
A similar facility is also being constructed at the Guihulngan District Hospital with a funding of P21 million, with a counterpart from the Department of Health. (RMN-PIA Negros Oriental)