INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-369-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Sourch of Fund: Responsibility Center: 1011-26(24) / Account Code: 50203080, intends to apply the sum of Six Million Pesos (Php 6,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of 8,000 units Elite Compact Nebulizer for distribution to constituents of continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-369-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-368-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-368-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 1061 / Account Code: 50203090, intends to apply the sum of Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 2,800,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of One (1) Lot Diesel Fuel for use continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-368-2024)
Notice of Award (B-263-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-263-2024 09/17/2024 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIAL MERCHANDISE Purchase of Six (6) units DRRM/CCA Multihazard Emergency Response Vehicle (Patient Transport Vehicle Type) to be used for emergency response, capability enhance, hazard mapping, geotagging, vulnerability and risk assessment as well as other DRRM related activities, PDRRMC, PGO, Province of Negros Oriental P17,933,988.00
Invitation to Bid (B-361-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-361-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 376-2022, AO #1, Series of 2022, 20% DF, CY 2022,/ Responsibility Fund:8918-110(22) intends to apply the sum of Nine Million Eight Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 9,800,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) To continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-361-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-359-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-359-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 72-2023 AO#1, Series of 2023 20% DF, CY 2023,/ Responsibility Fund:8918-044(23) intends to apply the sum of Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 4,900,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) To hire continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-359-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-360-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-360-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 376-2022 AO #1, Series of 2022 20% DF, CY 2022,/ Responsibility Fund:8918-065(22) intends to apply the sum of Seven Million Eight Hundred Forty Thousand Pesos (Php 7,840,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-360-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-367-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-367-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Early Procurement Activity intends to apply the sum of Five Million Eight Hundred Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Eight Pesos and Fifty Two Centavos (Php 5,809,768.52) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract To hire continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-367-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-362-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-362-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through the Responsibility Center: SP Res. Center:8751-08(24) / Account Code: 50213030, intends to apply the sum of One Million Nine Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Pesos (Php 1,995,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract One (1) Lot Const. Materials for the continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-362-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-363-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-363-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through the Responsibility Center: SP Res. Center:8751-08(24) / Account Code: 50203090, intends to apply the sum of Two Million Pesos (Php 2,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract One (1) Lot Automotive Diesel Fuel for the Repair and Maintenance-Infrastructure Assets continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-363-2024)
List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of October 10, 2024
List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of October 10, 2024 PR No. Date Rcvd Reference number Responsibility No. Office Item Description ABC Mode of Procurement 1 10/9/24 1855-2024 (80s-a) 4421-3R 50203080 Mabinay MCH 4 boxes Dengue NS1m continue reading : List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of October 10, 2024