INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-272-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Trust Fund, intends to apply the sum of Thirty Million Pesos (Php 30,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of Thirty (30) units DRRM-CCA Multihazard Response Vehicle to be used for Emergency Response, Capability Enhance as well as continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-272-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-277-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-277-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 1225-2023 20% DF, Capital Outlay (300) , Responsibility Fund:1918-010(24) intends to apply the sum of Fourteen Million Seven Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 14,700,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-277-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-271-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-271-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 1999-240(24) POP/ Account Code: 50203990, intends to apply the sum of Two Million Two Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Pesos (Php 2,244,550.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of 847 sacks of continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-271-2024)
Notice of Award (B-230-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-232-2024 08/06/2024 PHILSOUTH BUILDERS INC. One (1) Lot Purchase and Installation of Solar Back-up Power Supply for use in the DRRM-CCA Satellite Response and Emergency Operations Center for 6 Pilot Barangays, PDRRMC, PGO, Province of Negros Oriental P5,097,720.00
Notice of Award (B-232-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-232-2024 08/06/2024 PHILSOUTH BUILDERS INC. One (1) Lot Purchase and Installation of Solar Back-up Power Supply for use in the DRRM-CCA Satellite Response and Emergency Operations Center for 13 Health Facilities, PDRRMC, PGO, Province of Negros Oriental P11,494,200.00
List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of August 13, 2024
List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of August 13, 2024 PR No. Date Rcvd Reference number Responsibility No. Office Item Description ABC Mode of Procurement 1 8/8/24 1314-2024 1315-2024 4421-13 4421-13I 50203080 PHO-Pacuan CPH 2 lots – continue reading : List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of August 13, 2024
Invitation to Bid (B-270-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-270-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 100(01) / Account Code: 50203990, intends to apply the sum of Twenty-Nine Million Nine Hundred Ninety-Eight Thousand Pesos (Php 29,998,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of 11,320 sacks of 50 kilos per continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-270-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-269-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-269-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 1999-240(24) POP/ Account Code: 50203990, intends to apply the sum of Three Million Seven Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Pesos (Php 3,721,950.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of 2,757 sacks of continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-269-2024)
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-257-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee for the requirements “Purchase of One (1) Lot Establishment of DDRM/CCA Response & Emergency Operation Center for response capabilities improved, PDRRMC, PGO, Province of Negros Oriental” under Bid continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-257-2024)
Notice of Award (B-200-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-200-2024 07/17/2024 SBK CONSTRUCTION INC. One (1) Lot Purchase and Installation of Command Center Module with ICT and Rescue Equipment for 13 Hospitals for use in the Improvement of multihazard and disaster response capabilities, PDRRMC, PGO, Province of Negros Oriental P12,349,000.00