SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee pursuant to the letter by the end-user dated July 31, 2024 for the requirements “To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Repair and continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-256-2024)
Notice of Award (B-113-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-113-2024 07/18/2024 DUMDUMA CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING CORP. To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at Sitio Igbalanac, Brgy. Malalangsi, Pamplona, Negros Oriental” P4,892,000.00
Notice of Award (B-117-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-117-2024 07/18/2024 RCODE BUILDERS AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Design Build Improvement of Mantalip Reef Building, Bindoy, Negros Oriental”. P9,998,934.75
Notice of Award (B-104-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-104-2024 07/09/2024 VVER CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT CORP. To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Completion of Multipurpose Hall, Barangay Abis, Mabinay, Negros Oriental P2,056,533.18
Notice of Award (B-109-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-109-2024 07/09/2024 MG CONSTRUCTION To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Additional Appropriation for the Improvement of Drainage Canal at Purok Masanagon and Purok Mapailubon, Brgy. Manganao-Canal, Dumageuete City, Negros Oriental” P2,054,698.59
Notice of Award (B-143-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-143-2024 07/11/2024 MG CONSTRUCTION One (1) Lot ,2 Infrastructure Projects, viz: 1 To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Construction of One (1) unit School Building w/ two (2) Classrooms and CR’S at Negros Oriental High School, Dumaguete City, Neg. Or.” P1,470,000.00 2 To provide continue reading : Notice of Award (B-143-2024)
Notice of Award (B-137-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-137-2024 07/11/2024 BWAHA DEVELOPERS CORPORATION To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Renovation of Governor’s Office, Provincial Capitol, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City” P2,498,953.79
Invitation to Bid (B-265-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-265-2024 (*REBIDDING) The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 1109-2023 AO #27, Series of 2023 20% DF CY 2023 , Responsibility Fund:8918-063(23) intends to apply the sum of Two Million Nine Hundred Forty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Nine Pesos & 23/100 (Php continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-265-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-258-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-258-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 9998-18(24) / Account Code: 10705090, intends to apply the sum of Three Million Six Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 3,600,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract One (1) Lot Purchase and Installation of Water Purification continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-258-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-257-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-257-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 9998-38(23) / Account Code: 10705090, intends to apply the sum of Six Million Pesos (Php 6,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase of One (1) Lot Establishment of DDRM/CCA Response & Emergency Operation continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-257-2024)