INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-255-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through General Fund intends to apply the sum of Four Million Nine Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen Pesos & 50/100 (Php 4,981,918.50) being the ABC to payments under the contract To furnish labor for Janitorial Services and to provide cleaning tools, continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-255-2024)
List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of July 16, 2024
List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of July 16, 2024 PR No. Date Rcvd Reference number Responsibility No. Office Item Description ABC Mode of Procurement 1 7/11/24 1131-2024 4421-6R/I 50213050 CLLMMH- Siaton To furnish labor and parts continue reading : List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of July 16, 2024
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-230-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders that due to the letter request of the end-user, there is a need to AMEND the project title for the requirements “One (1) Lot Purchase and Installation of Solar Back-up Power Supply for use in the DRRM-CCA Satellite Response and continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-230-2024)
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2 (B-236-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 2 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of the new schedule for the submission and opening of bids for the project requirements One (1) Lot, 10 Infrastructure Projects, viz: 1. To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment: “Installation of Solar Streetlights in Zamboanguita, Negros continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 2 (B-236-2024)
Various PO Posting (July 15, 2024)
PO No. Office Date Supplier Item Description Amount S-281-2024 NOPH 05/02/24 SDJ OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT TRADING 70 rolls Adding Machine Tape & 72 others 833,806.35 N-689/690-2024 GWBVMH 06/06/24 J-sam’s Link Trading 2 lots Medical, Dental & Laboratory Supplies 446,020.50 S-595-2024 PGO 05/15/24 Lynel Enterprises 40 reams Bondpaper Long continue reading : Various PO Posting (July 15, 2024)
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-223-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee for the requirements “To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Additional Appropriation for the Rehabilitation/Improvement of Barangay Dobdob-Barangay Talalak Provincial Road Section, Valencia-Santa continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-223-2024)
Notice of Award (B-156-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-156-2024 07/02/2024 PHILSOUTH BUILDERS INC./E.M. CUERPO, INC. JV 1. To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment: “Installation of Solar Streetlights in Siaton, Negros Oriental” P29,600,000.00 2. To hire contractor to provide labor, materials and equipment: “Installation of Solar Streetlights in Dauin, Negros Oriental”P29,600,000.00 3.To hire contractor to continue reading : Notice of Award (B-156-2024)
Notice of Award (B-139-2024)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-139-2024 07/02/2024 S.J. YU CONSTRUCTION To hire contractor to provide materials, labor and equipment for the “Improvement of Perdices Coliseum, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental”. P39,784,956.12
Invitation to Bid (B-252-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-252-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 376-2022) AO # 1, Series of 2022 70% PDRRMF, CY-2022 , Responsibility Fund:9998-22(22) intends to apply the sum of Three Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Pesos (Php 3,234,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-252-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-251-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-251-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: (SP Res. # 376-2022 AO #1 Series of 2022, 70% PDRRMF CY 2022 , Responsibility Fund:9998-39(22) intends to apply the sum of Three Million Four Hundred Thirty Thousand Pesos (Php 3,430,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-251-2024)