PR No. Date Rcvd Reference number Responsibility No. Office Item Description ABC Mode of Procurement 1 4/25/24 557-2024 1999 111(24)EG 50203090 PGO-BM Adanza 100 bottle engine oil and 40 pieces oil filter 144,000.00 Negotiated Procurement – SVP 2 4/25/24 558-2024 1999-115(24)EG 50203990 PGO-BM Adanza 50 pieces solar lights (for distribution to different continue reading : List of Purchase Request / Job Order Approved by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of May 6, 2024
List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of January 25, 2024
List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of January 25, 2024 PR No. Date Rcvd Reference number Responsibility No. Office Item Description ABC Mode of Procurement 1 1/25/24 20-2024 LDRRMD Provision of am and pm snacks and continue reading : List of Purchase Request / Job Order for Approval by the Bids and Awards Committee as to Mode of Procurement as of January 25, 2024
Invitation to Bid (B-185-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-185-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through Source of Fund: Responsibility Center: 4411R-07(24) / Account Code: 50203070, intends to apply the sum of Four Million Pesos (Php 4,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract Purchase 2,123 vial Purified Chick Embryo Cell Culture Vaccine (Vaxirab) & 100 continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-185-2024)
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-159-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee for the requirements “To furnish labor for Janitorial Services and to provide cleaning tools, equipment and chemicals to clean and to maintain the offices, comfort rooms, lobbies continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-159-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-184-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-184-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, intends to apply the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 300,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract: Lot 1 Lot 1: Provision of meals (200pax PM snacks) for the VVIPs, VIPs, and guests of the Commemoration of the Centennial continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-184-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-183-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-183-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, intends to apply the sum of Seven Hundred Ninety Thousand Pesos (Php 790,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract: Lot 1 Lot 1: Provision of meals (200 pax packed lunch) for the performers, technical crew and various working committees of continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-183-2024)
Notice of Postponement of Pre-Bid Conference and Submission & Opening (MOVED TO MAY 6, 2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 Notice of Postponement of Pre-Bid Conference and Submission & Opening of Bids In view of the absence of some members of the Bids and Awards Committee, thereby a quorum could not be attained, there is a need to re-schedule the meeting today, May 2, 2024 at 2:00PM to continue reading : Notice of Postponement of Pre-Bid Conference and Submission & Opening (MOVED TO MAY 6, 2024)
Notice of Award (B-283-2023)
Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount B-283-2023 01/03/2024 STARCOM MANPOWER & ALLIED SERVICES, INC. To furnish labor for Janitorial Services and to provide cleaning tools, equipment and chemicals to clean and to maintain the offices, comfort rooms, lobbies and corridors of the different offices and facilities of the Provincial Government of Negros Oriental for 26 continue reading : Notice of Award (B-283-2023)
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-145-2024)
SUPPLEMENTAL/BID BULLETIN Addendum No. 1 This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee for the project “Purchase of One (1) unit 6×6 Mobile Operations Center to be used for Emergency Response, Capability Enhance as well as other DRRM related activities, continue reading : Supplemental/Bid Bulletin (B-145-2024)
Invitation to Bid (B-182-2024)
INVITATION TO BID Bid No. B-182-2024 The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental, through General Fund, intends to apply the sum of Fourteen Million Seven Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Forty-Eight Pesos & 86/100 (Php 14,753,048.86) being the ABC to payments under the contract To furnish Security Services good for One Hundred Eighty-Five (185) Security Guards to continue reading : Invitation to Bid (B-182-2024)