..…. “I-text mo kang DEGAMO” will cater public concerns

A week after he delivered his programs of government before the Sanguniang Panlalawigan, Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo officially launched a hotline number for the public to access.

In his program of government, Governor Degamo wanted to make the office of the governor open and accessible to anyone who wants to communicate with him.

This is what he called “I-Text mo kang DEGAMO,” with the use of a cellular phone number where the people can air their concerns directly to him.


The number is 0921- 207- 5236.

Governor Degamo said he will take advantage of the modern technology and has assigned somebody to take care of the messages that will be coming in in the said number.

The Governor added he welcomes all types of messages– from complaints against the programs of the government, against employees and officials, personal concerns, and requests, among others.

He vowed to treat all the messages with utmost confidentiality and to act on the various concerns accordingly.

The Governor believes this can be a good avenue where he can get feedback of the different programs of the provincial government from the people.

On the other hand, Governor Degamo also emphasized that this number will also be the official line of communication for the continuing effort of the provincial government against government red tape.

The Governor claimed this move is anchored on the principle of transparency and honesty in the performance of the function of the government as clearly mandated under the constitution.